Mechanical Ink Studio - Open Source - Open Web
Mental Health in Tech
Human Skills in Tech - KBall

Human Skills in Tech - KBall

In this episode of the Mental Health in Tech podcast, hosts Schalk Neethling and Schalk Venter, along with guest Kevin Ball (KBall), discuss the often-overlooked emotional and interpersonal aspects of working in technology. They highlight the unique challenges faced by those in tech, especially programmers, in terms of mental health and the often intense pressures when building a startup. The conversation brings to light the critical importance of soft skills and the role of open source as a valuable learning and networking platform. The hosts and guest emphasize the need for authenticity in networking within the tech community and underscore the significance of emotional resilience in both learning and professional growth.

Some of the main takeaways:

  • Emotional Aspect of Learning to Code: The emotional side of learning to code, particularly how beginners often lose motivation or confidence, is highlighted. The importance of teaching in a way that maintains engagement and builds confidence is emphasized.

  • Open Source as a Learning Platform: Open source is discussed as an underutilized tool for learning coding and developing interpersonal skills. It offers an opportunity for beginners to engage with real-world projects and communities.

  • Networking in Tech: The significance of networking in the tech industry is underlined, with a focus on sincerity and building genuine connections rather than opportunistic networking.

Take care of yourself while listening.

We touch on sensitive topics as part of this podcast. Those topics can include mental illness, depression, suicide ideation, death, and related mental health and mental illness topics. We understand that these subjects can be sensitive and may be triggering for some individuals. We encourage you to prioritize your well-being and mental health while listening. If you feel overwhelmed or need support, please get in touch with a mental health professional or a helpline in your country. Remember, you are not alone, and there is help available. Follow the link to find the help you need.



Mechanical Ink Studio - Open Source - Open Web
Mental Health in Tech
In this podcast series hosted by Schalk Neethling and Schalk Venter, the conversation revolves around mental health in the tech industry. Each episode features a guest who joins the hosts in an honest and open discussion about their personal struggles with mental health. The hosts and guests offer valuable insights into tech workers' challenges, such as burnout, imposter syndrome, and work-life balance. They also explore the stigma surrounding mental health issues in the workplace and discuss practical strategies for promoting positive mental health.