Mechanical Ink Studio - Open Source - Open Web
The Mycelium Network Podcast
From Math Teacher to Web Developer: Adilson Sandoval's Inspiring Career Transition

From Math Teacher to Web Developer: Adilson Sandoval's Inspiring Career Transition

Adilson Sandoval's journey from being a mathematics teacher to becoming a self-taught web developer is a testament to perseverance and adaptability. Driven by the desire for remote work opportunities and higher income, he embarked on a path of self-learning, leveraging free online resources like MDN and to acquire coding skills.

The transition, however, was not without its challenges. Adilson faced numerous rejections and a lack of feedback during the job-hunting process, compounded by the difficulties of being an early-career developer without professional experience. Undeterred, he implemented strategies such as contributing to open-source projects, tailoring applications to specific companies, and demonstrating initiative through coding exercises, ultimately securing a role he cherishes.

Throughout his journey, Adilson emphasized the importance of supportive communities, resilience, and continuous learning. He navigated imposter syndrome, managed stress, and adapted to the professional work environment, all while exploring opportunities for personal growth and work-life balance as a developer.



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Mechanical Ink Studio - Open Source - Open Web
The Mycelium Network Podcast
The Mycelium Network podcast. A podcast all about early-stage web developers and the mentors and teachers who help them along the way.